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Dev Update #3 - Movement to C#

· One min read
Founder of Quantum Core

Welcome to the third development update of QuantumCore.

The team behind QuantumCore has been silent for the last couple of months. The reasons behind that are multiple, one being the current and ongoing pandemic and thereof changed situations in the team.

However, the main reason was because we decided to restart the QuantumCore project. With the current C++ project we were able to get a first impression of what the work is and which direction we should take going forward.

We decided that the best idea would be to switch to a more "modern" language which provides us more functionality to allow the development to happen in faster iterations. This also makes it easier for interested people to join the QuantumCore project team.

As of this announcement the QuantumCore C++ source will be marked as deprecated and will be archived, but remain available here. The C# version of QuantumCore will be available by now on GitLab. The team is still working on porting the current progress to C#.

The goal of this project remains to be a cross platform available open source server reimplementation, that's why we use .NET Core.