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Player Permissions

By default every player has no permissions to execute commands. At some point you might want to make a user an admin to execute commands.

Authorization concept

The authorization in QCX works as follows:

  • A player may have n memberships to roles
  • A role may have n permissions
  • A permission defines the ability to execute a command

Add permissions for a player

This guide uses Docker for executing SQL, however you are free to use any database management tool you desire.

Use the following command to execute sql

# replace __CONTAINER_ID__ with your mysql container ID
docker exec __CONTAINER_ID__ -it /bin/mysql -u root -psupersecure.123

This command will open a mysql terminal session in which you can execute SQL. You can leave with exit

Next, execute the following

SET @GroupId = uuid();
INSERT INTO game.perm_groups (Id, Name) VALUES (@GroupId, 'admins');
INSERT INTO game.perm_auth (`Group`, Command) VALUES (@GroupId, 'spawn');
INSERT INTO game.perm_auth (`Group`, Command) VALUES (@GroupId, 'give');
INSERT INTO game.perm_users (`Group`, Player) VALUES (@GroupId, @PlayerId);

This will add the player to the newly created group admins and allow him to execute /spawn and /give. Modifying these permissions require you to restart the game server

There are even more commands to execute. Try /help to see all of them