What is Kotlin
Kotlin is a statically typed programming language that runs on the Java virtual machine and also can be compiled to JavaScript source code or use the LLVM compiler infrastructure. Its primary development is from a team of JetBrains programmers based in Saint Petersburg, Russia. - Wikipedia
Language Features
- Data classes
- Default parameter
- Kotlin default library (Collections, IO, …)
- Extension methods
- Null-Safe
- Simple singletons
- …
Compatibility Features
- Can be compiled to Java bytecode, Native, Javascript or WebAssembly.
- Supports Java 6, 7 and 8 compatible bytecode.
- Supports Android, server-side, web (JavaScript), desktop and native development use cases.
- You can mix Kotlin and Java in on project and use them seemlessly together.
- IDEs:
- Build Tools:
- Problemloses konvertieren von Java -> Kotlin oder Kotlin -> Java
Libraries / Tools (re-)written / supporting in Kotlin
- RxKotlin Kotlin Adaptor for RxJava
- Anko Anko is a library which makes Android application development faster and easier.
- okio A modern I/O API for Java
- Kobalt Kobalt is a modern and versatile build system.
- Spring
- Gradle
- Vert.x
- Javalin
- and many more
- Inspired by Java, C#, JavaScript, Scala and Groovy.
- Developed by ~40 Members at JetBrains (second largest team at the company) + ~100 external developers at Github.
- Completly open source at Github.
- Kotlin is the second most loved language and fourth most wanted (at the beginning of 2018).
- As of May 2017 Kotlin is an offical Android language supported by Google
- Kotlin is the second least disliked language of 2017
- Try Kotlin online