Overloading / Overriding
Function Overriding
You can override a function / method just like you could in Java (@Override
Kotlin brings a limitations to it. The function to override must be open
. The override function must not have default arguments.
// Kotlin
class SuperClass {
open fun addNumber(i : Int) {
sum += i
class SubClass : SuperClass {
override fun addNumber(i : Int) {
sum += i + 10
Operator Overloading
In Kotlin you can also overwrite operators which makes programming with complex types much easier. Unity3D (c#) does this since its beginning with Vector objects which improves readability and maintainability of the code.
// Kotlin
data class Vec(val x: Float, val y: Float) {
operator fun plus(v: Vec) = Vec(x + v.x, y + v.y)
val v = Vec(2f, 3f) + Vec(4f, 1f)